Cameras & Accessories

Best NDT GammaMat cameras and equipment have been setting the highest standards for industrial gamma radiography for over 20 years.  Today, the name GammaMat is recognized as the symbol of market leadership.  GammaMat cameras and equipment provide unparalleled safety and reliability.  Compact and lightweight, they are renowned for their state-of-the-art technology, innovative design, and unrivalled reliability.

Model Source Max Loading Total Weight
GammaMat TSI 3/1 Ir-192 3.00 TBq (80 Ci) 20.0 kg (44 lb)
GammaMat TSI 5/1 Ir-192 5.00 TBq (135 Ci) 22.0 kg (48.4 lb)
GammaMat SE Type A Se-75 3.00 TBq (80 Ci) 7.20 kg (16 lb)
GammaMat SE Type B(U) Se-75 4.44 TBq  (120 Ci) 7.20 kg (16 lb)
GammaMat M6 Crawler Ir-192 2.20 TBq (60 Ci) 36.0 kg (78 lb)
GammaMat M6 Crawler Se-75 3.00 TBq (80 Ci) 20.0 kg (44.0 lb)
GammaMat M18 Crawler Ir-192 3.70 TBq (100 Ci) 80.0 kg (178.2 lb)
GammaMat M18 Crawler Se-75 3.00 TBq (80 Ci) 63.0 kg (138 lb)

Accessories Catalogue – full line of accessories for all GammaMat cameras
Accessories Cross-Reference List  - Sorted by product number
Accessories Cross-Reference List  - Sorted by camera type
Accessories Cross-Reference List  - Sorted by accessory type

Other Devices  - Health Physics Instruments from CNMC - a division of TeamBest